freelance curative teacher
The love for my original profession as a teacher and curative teacher (primary level / secondary school) now also flows into my offers as a freelance professional woman. I offer real, space-opening alternatives - inside and outside the school system. With my 30 years of experience and knowledge as a teacher and curative teacher, I accompany and advise learners, parents, alternative schools and mainstream schools.
For learners
As a teacher and remedial teacher, I accompany children and young people. Based on the inner learning impulses of the learner and in accordance with the curriculum 21, I impart knowledge and experience. Together with the learners we discover the resources and I accompany and support them in their individual learning experiences.
Price on request
For Parents
I offer advice & support for parents who want to implement home*schooling. With my experience and expertise from 30 years in the school system, I clarify the conditions with parents who want new learning spaces for their child and real, viable alternatives to regular schools.
This support may include:
- Clarify questions about the procedure for home*schooling
- Submit a grant when applying to the canton
- Dealing with curriculum 21
- Gather the necessary material/documents
- Creation of plans (annual and quarterly planning)
Consultation costs: First consultation - 30 minutes free of charge
from 30 minutes CHF 130/hour
alternative schools
I make my knowledge and experience from 30 years as a teacher & curative teacher available for the establishment and development of alternative schools and learning opportunities. As a consultant with practical experience (two applications for alternative school types and three for home*schooling), I am at your side during the development process.
-Advice on the procedure for founding & building up
- Advice for the creation of concepts, curricula & applications
- Individual parts of the process, application are also possible
Consultation costs:
First consultation - 30 minutes free of charge
from 30 minutes CHF 130/hour
Projects for sec.1
Interdisciplinary projects and extracurricular activities for the ERG (EthikReligionGesellschaft), NT (Nature & Technology --> Biology) departments
This is about encountering oneself, encountering the community and nature. In a clear and safe group environment, I provide space for expression - for self-efficacy and reflection on one's own role in society. The learners are encouraged to perceive their own resources and contribute them to the community. My offers offer space to develop life perspectives, to go your own way and to meet the group, the community, society with respect.
Possible projects:
- Girls circles (healthy body awareness, the way to a woman, dealing with bleeding, fertility, maintaining authentic friendships)
-Annual circle festivals of our culture (the eight annual festivals: Samhain, Yule, Imbolc, Ostara, Beltane, Litha, Lungnasad, Mabon)
- Instrument making - simple self-sounding instruments, drums as a power companion
- Make natural cosmetics for girls and boys - deodorant, (energy) sprays, creams
Price on request
camp accompaniment
(for schools - alternative schools and youth groups)
With my clear presence and joy in the lively group experience, I accompany school camps - alternative schools and youth groups.
Unconventional - versatile - in the moment.
This can be selective or over the entire period of the camp. I accompany a whole group or individuals who need more individual support.
- General accompaniment of the group
- Help in the kitchen
- organize and lead evening events
- Special projects such as afternoon or evening workshops, making and/or playing instruments, making natural cosmetics, making giant soap bubbles, making natural mandala
- 1 : 1 - accompaniment of young people
A camp offers space for special experiences and fields of learning - outside of everyday routine, space for curiosity and discovery. Space to meet in a different context. Room for play and trying out new roles. Space for being together, for natural learning, to perceive the environment and nature, to interact with it and to be in the moment.
Price: on request